Lighthouse is a rental marketplace pioneering cash back on rent. We recently acquired UMoveFree, the leading apartment locating company in Texas. We’re rolling out their service while we make some changes to our site. Work with a UMoveFree locator to help you search and sign with confidence.
Lighthouse is a rental marketplace pioneering cash back on rent. We recently acquired UMoveFree, the leading apartment locating company in Texas. We’re rolling out their service while we make some changes to our site. Work with a UMoveFree locator to help you search and sign with confidence.
Available floor plans include 1-bedroom apartments, 2-bedrooms apartments, 3-bedrooms apartments.
Is Republic West available for rent?
There are currently 73 units available for rent at Republic West. To see the latest availability, click here.
When were prices and availability for this property last updated?
Prices and availability for this property were last updated on Feb 20, 2025. Please contact us for the latest information.
When was Republic West built?
Republic West was built in 1984.
When was Republic West remodeled?
Republic West was remodeled in 2019.
What is parking like at Republic West?
Republic West does not provide parking.
What is the pet policy for Republic West?
Republic West allows 2 pets with breed restrictions.
What schools are close to Republic West?
Below are the nearby schools to Republic West:
Nearest district school: Garland
Nearest elementary school: Glen Couch
Nearest middle school: Coyle
Nearest high school: Gilbreath-reed Career And Techni
Who is the property manager for Republic West?
The property manager for Republic West is S2 Residential.
What are the hours for Republic West?
Republic West hours: MF 9-6, SA 10-5
Do I need to submit a request?
Yes, if you’re interested in Republic West. This is how we connect you with the leasing agents.
How can I tour Republic West?
Submit a request with Lighthouse here. After submitting your request, work with the property over email or phone to set up a time.
How can I apply at Republic West?
Apply on property website and remember to write Lighthouse as your referral to get a $200 cash back from us. Once your application is approved, report your lease and our team will process your $200 cash back.
How do I ensure I get the cash back?
To ensure you receive cash back:
Submit a request: Use the form on this page.
Keep us updated: Use your dashboard to manage your request and update us as you progress.
Include "Lighthouse" or "locator" as referral source to your application: This step is crucial to be eligible for the cash back. Learn more about application.
Report your lease: Notify us when your application is approved, and our team will reach out to confirm your lease details and set up your cash back.