What We Know About Village at Perrin Beitel

2611 NE Interstate 410 Loop, San Antonio, TX 78217
ALT Affordable Housing Services
Village at Perrin Beitel Apartments will be a newly constructed multifamily residential community consisting of 92 units, of which 80 will be for residents with incomes at 60% AMI and below. The development will be located at 2611 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78217, on approximately 6.2 acres on the northeast side of San Antonio.
Mar 23, 2020 - A locally based affordable multifamily housing developer is proposing to construct a 92-unit apartment complex in the northeast sector near Perrin Beitel Road and Loop 410.
The project, referred to as Village at Perrin Beitel, would include four apartment buildings, each one with a three-story height. There will also be a clubhouse.
The gross square footage is 103,872 SF, with a market net square footage of 91,128 SF. The surface parking plan will accommodate 184 vehicles. (Virtualbx)
Aug 31, 2021 - The Village at Perrin Beitel is another one of Prospera’s project in the planning stages just outside Loop 410. At that location, the nonprofit wants to build a 92-unit apartment complex—82 units of which would be reserved for people making less than the area median income.
In this part of town, new below-market developments are a rarity because they often get shut down by neighborhoods. Marc Levesque, head of the neighborhood association of Village North 2, told the Heron that neighbors near the Village at Perrin Beitel expressed concern about traffic congestion, views blocked by the apartment walls, and trying to fit too many people into a small space. (San Antonio Heron)