Portland State University (PSU) Apartments and Housing (NO SPAM) 🏡

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Portland State University (PSU) Apartments and Housing (NO SPAM) 🏡


Portland State University is known for its urban setting, which allows students to learn in a variety of real-life environments. Students will have access to internships and job opportunities right out of college. The school's most popular subjects include entrepreneurship, business administration, and communications.

Portland State University is known for its strong liberal arts and sciences program, with a focus on sustainability. Many students find that Portland State's free tuition option makes it a great choice for those committed to their studies: not only does the program provide a solid foundation in the liberal arts and sciences, but the university's tuition-free status means you can afford to take time off if necessary without worrying about being unable to pay your bills.

The campus itself is also beautiful: located downtown near both the Willamette River and Portland's famous streetcar system, it has easy access both to local restaurants and shops (including Powell Books) as well as several major highways leading into other parts of Oregon.

The campus itself is full of green spaces and includes an arboretum, riverfront trails, an urban farm (which provides fresh produce for all PSU students), a library with over one million books and periodicals on the fourth floor overlooking downtown Portland's skyline—this is where you'll find the majority of students spending their time during breaks from class.

If living on campus isn't your thing or you'd rather live closer to home for whatever reason (whether it's financial or just that your parents miss having someone around), there are several off-campus options available within walking distance from both PSU campuses—including Downtown Portland Area (DTA), Southwest Portland Area (SWPA), Hawthorne Blvd Corridor/South Waterfront Area (HBWA), Old Town Chinatown District/North Waterfront Districts near South Park Blocks Park which are located in Northwest Portland Area near Hillsdale Mall amongst other areas which make up this general area where many students choose to reside because they're close enough when commuting back home yet far enough away from distractions such as campus parties/events that may interfere with studying habits during exam weeks!

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