Kansas City
The rent in Kansas City is $10,053, with the average monthly rent being $859. The median listing price per square foot is $192. The median for a 2 bedroom apartment is $1,300 and for a 3 bedroom property it's $1,850. With an average cost per square foot of $165 in your area, you will be paying more than the national average! If you're looking to save money on your next move or home purchase then this is good news; however we recommend doing some research into what your neighborhood has to offer before making any decisions about buying or renting.
Don't let this information scare you off! It's important that when searching for apartments in Kansas City that you do your research first because there are many factors at play here such as crime rates around these areas which may affect how much it costs you to live somewhere else outside their city limits (if applicable). You should also consider neighborhood amenities like parks nearby so that if one kid gets bored he/she doesn't have far away places where they could get into trouble while still having access from other parts of town too.
If you're looking to save money on your next move or home purchase then this is good news; however we recommend doing some research into what your neighborhood has to offer before making any decisions about buying or renting. Don't let this information scare you off! It's important that when searching for apartments in Kansas City that you do your research first because there are many factors at play here such as crime rates around these areas which may affect how much it costs you to live somewhere else outside their city limits (if applicable). You should also consider neighborhood amenities like parks nearby so that if one kid gets bored he/she doesn't have far away places where they could get into trouble while still having access from other parts of town too.