Corpus Christi
The average rental cost in Corpus Christi is $1,125. The average monthly gross income needed to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Corpus Christi is $4,449 and for two bedrooms it's $5,088. Renting affordability is based on what you can afford and how much of your income is going toward rent each month. When looking at the best neighborhoods to live in Corpus Christi, look for safe places with great schools that have high ratings on Google Maps and Zillow reviews.
Corpus Christi has an average cost of living index of 99 (100 represents national average). This means that 99% of all households are more expensive than the national average and 1% less expensive than 100%. This score also takes into account other factors such as unemployment rates & crime rates. In addition, there are more than 300 different types of homes available including condos/townhomes/mansions; apartments are typically where most people live while single family homes may be rented out by landlords or those who own them outright; duplexes usually consist two attached homes built on one lot; triplexes usually consist three attached homes built on one lot
As far as city density, Corpus Christi has a population density of 1,142 people per square mile, which is lower than many Texas cities. On top of that, there are more than 100 different types of homes available including condos/townhomes/mansions; apartments are typically where most people live while single family homes may be rented out by landlords or those who own them outright; duplexes usually consist two attached homes built on one lot; triplexes usually consist three.
Corpus Christi is an affordable place to live, with a median gross rent of $1,072 per month. Corpus Christi ranks as the #9 most expensive state in the U.S. when looking at rental affordability vs personal income.
What’s a good apartment in Corpus Christi? A good apartment is a place that you are going to be happy living in for at least one year, maybe two or three. A good apartment will have all the amenities that you need and want. It’s important that it be close to where your job is so you don’t have far to commute on a daily basis.