Benbrook has a great location compared with many other areas of Texas. It's near Fort Worth and Arlington, but still far enough away from both of them that it offers a quieter living experience than either city could provide on its own (especially if you're looking for peace & quiet).
The cost of living index is 90% lower than San Francisco and 79% lower than New York City. That means that your paycheck goes further here - which is great news when you're trying to save up for moving costs or new furniture!
Neighborhoods: There are many different types of neighborhoods in Benbrook, and each one has its own personality. From the quiet suburbs to bustling downtown streets, you can find a neighborhood that fits your style.
The average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is $816, and for a 2 bedroom it's $1,094. Compared to other cities in the area, these are pretty good prices! Location: Benbrook has a great location compared with many other areas of Texas. It's near Fort Worth and Arlington, but still far enough away from both of them that it offers a quieter living experience than either city could provide.
Benbrook has a lot of great things going for it, but where does one start when looking for an apartment? There are many different types of apartments in Benbrook, ranging from high-rises to duplexes and single family homes. The first thing you'll want to do is determine how much space you need. If you're living alone or with just a few roommates, then renting out just one bedroom may be enough for your needs.
There are many different types of apartments in Benbrook, ranging from high-rises to duplexes and single family homes. The first thing you'll want to do is determine how much space you need. If you're living alone or with just a few roommates, then renting out just one bedroom may be enough for your needs. But if there's more than four people in your household, then renting out two bedrooms is probably better suited for your needs.