George Mason University (GMU) Apartments and Housing (NO SPAM)

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George Mason University (GMU) Apartments and Housing (NO SPAM)


George Mason University, located in Fairfax, Virginia, is a public research university that offers more than 100 undergraduate programs and 150 graduate programs. The school also has cutting-edge research facilities that host more than $100 million in grants annually.

The school is known for its online education program and its strong business program; George Mason’s MBA program ranks as one of the best in the world. Students can earn their degree entirely online or do some combination of on campus and online classes.

While there are many advantages to being a commuter student at GMU—you get to live wherever you want—it does not provide all the benefits of living on campus like having access to transportation services or having friends nearby when you need help with class material or just want someone to hang out with during free time between classes (which can be hard if your apartment complex isn't close by). If you want to live near friends who are also going through college life experience together then living off campus may be the best choice for you!

GMU does not offer housing for freshman students, but you could live at home and commute if that is your preference. If you are a commuter student and want to live near campus, there are some apartments close by that can help you out with the commute. The closest apartment complex to GMU is the University Park Apartments which is located just off of Fairfax Blvd., between Braddock Rd. and Little River Turnpike.

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